Getting here
Glenfern Sanctuary is a 45 minute drive north from the main airport Claris or a 1hr 30 minute drive from Tryphena where the ferry comes in.
By Ferry
Coming for a longer stay? You can take your car on the sealink ferry toarrive at Tryphena. Be sure to book this well in advance as spaces fill up fast over summer.
By Boat
Fitzroy harbour is a boatie’s paradise.
Bring your own boat across and tie up to Glenfern’s public wharf or request a mooring along with your accommodation.
There is no public transport: We do have friendly shuttle services and rental cars. Make sure to book well before you arrive.
People and Post is the local mail delivery service, (which also offers transport for people) between Port Fitzroy, Claris and Tryphena. It departs Tryphena at 9am and Port Fitzroy at 11 am, Monday to Friday.
Mike Newman provides a taxi/mini bus service from Port Fitzroy. Phone 021876296 or 09 4290 052.
We recommend ‘Go Great Barrier Island’ for tours of GBI. Phone 09 4290 222
Getting around once you are here
To get the most out of your trip we highly recommend exploring the island by car. It pays to book these in advance to ensure you don’t miss out.
These are on the DGBI website.